looking back to 2023

I feel sort of guilt that I abandoned my website more or less over last 2 years. But everything needs its time and has own reason, I believe.

Dear Jona and dear Toni,

how wonderfully the year has passed. I am so much grateful and thankful that you two grew up along the time and endlessly proud of you, just because you become who and how you are.
I learn a lot by every moment and every chance, but right now looking back to the year 2023, I guess, the meaning of ‘repeating’ was the most precious insight I may have. There are a repeating of natural way, like cycle of nature – birth to death to rebirth, the changes of seasons, also daily routines and a repeating of intentions and efforts, like TKD training, studying your school subjects, playing pingpong or making and drawing something. Sometimes it’s boring and oftentimes exhausting to repeat these again and again. Because we want results, improvements, progresses. Repeating doesn’t have to come to those things, you know. To come to this understanding it took many many years for me though, probably my whole lifetime.
But we don’t think at all by the natural way of repetition, because it always was like that? The cycle of nature or seasons, they are so obvious and it became almost unconscious.
We repeat everyday waking up in the morning, washing our teeth, having breakfast, at night we go to bed and sleep, and so on. We do not do such daily routines with purpose. Of course it helps for us to do more things when we can wake up earlier, and it’s healthier for our teeth when we brush everyday twice. Also, enough sleep is necessary for your growth and health. But we don’t try hard to do so. It’s just routine of daily life.
Maybe, and definitely I think, we define these two kind of repetitions as something different. But they are the same repetition by itself. We add the expectation though to the intentional repetitions and breed by ourselves the boredom or difficulty, exhaustion. If we can cease this expectation by repeating, maybe we can come more naturally to the results, like in spring it blooms and in summer thrives and grows, in autumn falls and withers, and in winter dreams for the next spring. And it never fails and never disappoints to be wonderful, grand, spiritful, lovable nature.

In love with repeating and never-ending keep-going,
your mom

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